The Coming Tsunami
The new Pew Poll, which has found that a stunning 80% of the American people now distrust the government, is a window into a long-building political trend: the voters this November are furious at everybody but especially at the Democratic leadership of Obama/Pelosi/Reid.
Thus, the inevitable outcome in the mid-term elections is going to be a historic thrashing of the “in” party—the Democrats. They are going to lose dozens of seats in the House—perhaps enough to lose control—and maybe 5-8 seats in the Senate, too. (Make no mistake: the American people are ticked off at the GOP, too. But the Democrats are in power so they will feel more of the wrath. But in primaries like Florida and Arizona, GOP media establishment faves like Charlie Crist and John McCain may lose to this same anti-establishment anger.)
This will be seen as a massive rebuke of President Obama’s left-of-center Big-Spending-with-No-Visible-Pay-Off Program. Indeed, while Wall Street stock numbers are improving, the overwhelming majority of Americans do not feel their outlook is improving. In fact, pessimism is abundant. And this is why the Tea Party movement has exploded all across the country.
The so-called ‘Establishment’ likes to denigrate the Tea Partiers because they have disdain for average Americans—you know, the people who “cling to their guns and religion”—and so, rather than have empathy for these Americans’ troubles, these Establishment types attack Tea Party Americans as “dangerous, militia-like domestic terrorists.” Some of these media types – TIME’s Joe Klein and his MSNBC defenders - last week tried to equate statements made by conservatives as “seditious,” and they also trotted out Bill Clinton to equate the Tea Party anger with Timothy McVeigh’s Oklahoma City bombing.
This effort—to conflagrate peaceful, conservative protest of left-wing economic policies with violent, traitorous acts—is a disgraceful abuse of the Media Establishment’s power.
Never—EVER—has the chasm between the political/financial/media/academic Establishment and the American middle class been as wide—and potentially toxic—as it is today. EVER!
One of the beauties of our system is that any old guy or gal driving around in a truck somewhere has the same vote—the same power—as the biggest Wall Street tycoon or Fortune Five Hundred CEO. One vote. Period. Counts the same as all other votes. No matter who you are.
And this November these ticked-off Americans—furious over so many abuses by DC (spending, deficits, debt, bail-outs for the rich, allowing things to spiral out-of-control, SEC regulators watching porn, dirty deals to grease the way for a Health Care Bill that 58% of the people do not want; the list goes on and on)—and abuses by the seemingly “privileged” and rich—are going to vent these emotions not through violent law-breaking but through voting against Democrat incumbents.
And when the Pelosi Democrats get creamed, it will be fun to watch their allies in the fading Old Media try to explain it away. (“Fading” in that their ratings and readership and viewership are cratering. TIME and NEWSWEEK are almost out-of-business, the WASHINGTOPN POST and NEW YORK TIMES are almost broke, CBS, ABC and NBC and CNN and MSNBC are all losing viewers each month. Why? Because they are all pushing a left-wing agenda that the American people have repeatedly rejected.)
As for President Obama, his media pals allow him to ride along above criticism. In fact, those who dare to criticize an Obama policy are labeled as “racist.” How can we have debate in America with that type of charge injected into every discussion?
The Tsunami is coming ashore this November. It will devastate the Democratic political establishment.
When it recedes, the DC landscape will look very different than it does today. The Democrats will be down and the Republicans up. But that is a temporary situation—all leading up to 2012.
The only question is this: will there be an even bigger tsunami coming ashore in November 2012?