Will the GOP-Controlled House Pass the Immigration Bill? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS On FOX NEWS CHANNEL

Is Barack Obama’s presidency continuing to deteriorate? Are his overseas trips helping him politically – or accelerating his decline? Now that the Immigration Bill has passed in the Senate, what will Speaker Boehner do? Will the GOP be hurt no matter what happens? What, if anything, can we learn for 2014 from last week’s special U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday afternoon – at 5:25 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 5:25 PM ET on Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to http://live.foxnews.com/ - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com

POLITICAL INSIDERS in Harvard Magazine

                         HARVARD MAGAZINE

                July-August Issue


                            Class Notes:

Former congressman John LeBoutillier, M.B.A. ’79, is co-host of the Fox News Channel’s Political Insiders, featuring two other Harvard alums, Doug Schoen ’74, J.D. ’79, and Pat Caddell ’72, every Sunday at 5:30 p.m. EST. The three pride themselves on “no spinning, no agendas, and no talking points—just honest political analysis.”

Is Pres. Obama's Administration Deteriorating? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS On FNC

Is Barack Obama’s presidency continuing to deteriorate? Did his European trip help him politically – or accelerate his decline? What are the Republicans doing to capitalize on the President’s weakness? Why doesn’t the GOP spell out a clear narrative and pursue these scandals with Select Committees? And what will happen in Tuesday’s Special U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday afternoon – at 5:25 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 5:25 PM ET on Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to http://live.foxnews.com/ - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com

The POLITICAL INSIDERS Expose the Cancer Inside the Executive Branch

- Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier - explored the deterioration not only of the Obama Presidency but of the entire Political Class. With scandal after scandal overwhelming Washington, the gap between the government and the governed has never been wider. The POLITICAL INSIDERS compared today's situation to Watergate - and explained how we are now facing an unprecedented systemic corruption throughout the Federal Government. Here are our two shows:

Part 1
Part 2

Are All these Scandals Driving America Into a New Political Revolution? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS on Fox News Channel

Is President Obama losing credibility in the midst of so many scandals? Is the NSA Spying Scandal about to become even bigger? Should the IRS still be an integral part of ObamaCare? What is the GOP strategy to deal with all of this this? Is American politics about to enter a new - revolutionary - era?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday afternoon – at 5:25 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 5:25 PM ET on Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to http://live.foxnews.com/ - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com

Are All These Scandals Changing Our Politics? Watch This Week's POLITICAL INSIDERS


- Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier - explored the underlying result of the NSA, PRISM, IRS, AP and Benghazi scandals: a deepening alienation by the American people from the self-elected, elitist Political Class which may alter our politics in upcoming election years. Here are our two shows:

Part 1 Sunday:
Part 2 Sunday:
Monday on the dotcom:


Have we reached a Tipping Point in the Obama Second Term? Are all the scandals dooming Obama’s presidency? Are the latest revelations about the secret, massive data mining/phone records collection program going to further damage President Obama’s – and the Political Establishment of both parties’ - political standing?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday afternoon – at 5:25 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 5:25 PM ET on Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to http://live.foxnews.com/ - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com


This week on POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier explore the erosion in the President's ratings and the sudden change in perception that the GOP has undergone since the scandals unfolded. They also look at the Eric Holder Problem: does the White House want him gone? And, if so, how to do it? On the IRS Scandal, should there be a Special Prosecutor? And should Speaker Boehner seize the initiative and name Select Committees for both Benghazi and the IRS?

All of this - and more - are discussed on this week's two shows:

Sunday Part 1:
Part 2: