Canadian's Version of David Letterman's Top 10

  Canadian's Version of David Letterman's Top 10. This is Canada 's Top Ten List of America 's Stupidity. Of course we look like idiots … because we are !!!
10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans – 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

6) Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

4) Only in America ... could you need to present a picture ID to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

1) Only in America ... could the so called “rich” people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.    

The POLITICAL INSIDERS Look at Political Ramifications of Obamacare's Failures

On this weeks' two versions of the POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier look at the political fall-out from the Obamacare website fiasco, the GOP response to it, and what is ahead politically. They also look at the international effects of the expanding NSA Spying Scandal. Here are our two shows:

Sunday Part 1
Sunday Part 2
Monday on the DotCom

Watch the POLITICAL INSIDERS Look to America's Political Future

On this week's two versions of the POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier look at the fall-out from the Government Shut-Down, the failing ObamaCare roll-out and the future of both parties.

Here are our shows:

Sunday Part 1
Sunday Part 2
Monday on the Dotcom

Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS at Our New Time: 7:35 PM ET on Sunday Evening

What has happened to America’s politics? Why are both parties now seen as against the American people? Are we now in the beginning stages of an American political revolution? Is the GOP fracturing? How potent is the Cruz Factor? Are GOP donors fleeing? Is a Third Party or a Third Option inevitable?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening – at our new time - 7:35 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at our new time - 7:35 PM ET beginning this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at

The POLITICAL INSIDERS Look at a Possible Third Option in American Politics.

On this week's two versions of POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier looked at the Big Picture for American electoral politics given the ongoing mess in DC.

What effect - if any - will the current breakdown in DC have on 2014 and 2016? Is a Third Option now more likely?

Here are our shows:

Sunday Part 1
Sunday Part 2
Monday on the Dot Com

Is A New American Political Revolution Now Under Way? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

Have the Government Shut-Down and the impending Debt Ceiling Crisis irreparably broken the relationship between Washington DC and the American people? Are we now in the beginning stages of an American political revolution? Is the GOP fracturing? Is a Third Party or a Third Option inevitable?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday afternoon – at a new time - 3:35 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at a new time - 3:35 PM ET beginning this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at


[Stars and Stripes Logo]

JPAC admits to phony ceremonies honoring ‘returning’ remains
An honor detail comprised of joint military members prepares to escort the remains of fallen servicemembers who died during World War II and the Vietnam War during an arrival ceremony April 26, 2013, hosted by the U.S. Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command.

Sean FureyU.S. Navy

Stars and Stripes

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Published: October 10, 2013

An honor detail comprised of joint military members prepares to escort the remains of fallen servicemembers who died during World War II and the Vietnam War during an arrival ceremony April 26, 2013, hosted by the U.S. Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command.
Sean Furey/U.S. Navy
WASHINGTON — The Department of Defense unit charged with recovering servicemembers’ remains abroad has been holding phony “arrival ceremonies” for seven years, with an honor guard carrying flag-draped coffins off of a cargo plane as though they held the remains returning that day from old battlefields.
The Pentagon acknowledged Wednesday that no honored dead were in fact arriving, and that the planes used in the ceremonies often couldn’t even fly, and were towed into position. The story was first reported on
The ceremonies at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii are held up as a sign of the nation’s commitment to its fallen warriors. They have been attended by veterans and families of MIAs, led to believe that they were witnessing the return of Americans killed in World War II, Vietnam and Korea.
In a statement sent to NBC News, the Pentagon wrote:
“Part of the ceremony involves symbolically transferring the recovered remains from an aircraft to a vehicle for follow-on transportation to the lab. Many times, static aircraft are used for the ceremonies, as operational requirements dictate flight schedules and aircraft availability. This transfer symbolizes the arrival of our fallen servicemembers.
“It is important to note that recovered remains ceremoniously transferred from the aircraft to the [bus] have been in the lab undergoing forensic analysis to determine identity. When remains first arrive in Hawaii, JPAC cannot confirm if the remains are those of an American servicemember.”
NBC writes that the ceremonies have been known among some of the military and civilian staff at the base as The Big Lie.
The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, or JPAC, has come under intense scrutiny in recent months after two scathing reports were released this summer.
In July, The Associated Press ran a story exposing a 2012 internal JPAC report that found the agency to be “acutely dysfunctional” with some missions that amounted to little more than paid vacations for staffers.
A second investigation released weeks later by the Government Accountability Office found that Pentagon efforts to account for fallen troops missing overseas were inefficient and in need of overhaul, according to congressional sources.
In 2010, lawmakers mandated JPAC to reach an annual goal of recovering at least 200 fallen troops from overseas battlefields by 2015, but it had failed to build the capacity to do so, the GAO found. Currently the Hawaii-based command averages less than 70 individuals per year.
Much of the inefficiency found by the GAO researchers comes down to a turf war between JPAC and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office, which shares some of the same responsibilities, Congressional sources said.
The show
According to the NBC report, here’s what the audience was shown:
A C-17 military transport aircraft was parked, its ramp down, outside a hangar at the base. After generals and dignitaries were introduced, a military chaplain said a prayer, the audience sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and “Taps” was played. Then an honor guard carried flag-draped transfer cases, which look like coffins, down the ramp and placed them in the back of blue buses, which were driven away.
The emcee thanked the audience for “welcoming them home.” The script continued, “After removal from the aircraft, the remains will be taken to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command’s Central Identification Laboratory. There, JPAC scientists will begin the identification process.”
Citing eyewitnesses and photographs taken behind the scenes, NBC wrote that what actually happened is very different:
Before 6 a.m., the honor guard assembled behind the JPAC headquarters on the base. They loaded transfer cases onto the buses and drove to the hangar.
The honor guard loaded the transfer cases into the pre-positioned C-17, then rehearsed for the ceremony. They then returned to the plane, and waited.
The public was allowed in for the 9 a.m. ceremony: invited politicians, media, families of the missing and veterans. Employees from JPAC were bused over to fill out the crowd.
Then the show began, with tears and salutes as the remains were marched to the buses, then driven off to the lab to “begin the identification process.”
Jesse Baker, an 81-year-old Air Force veteran of World War II and Korea living in Honolulu, told NBC News that he has been to more than 50 of these ceremonies. He said he’s always been under the impression that the plane had just arrived carrying recovered remains.
Baker tried to make sense of why the DOD would work so hard to trick him and other veterans. “That’s disturbing. I don’t know when they stopped being honest and switched over to this Mickey Mouse, but whoever did it, I hope they find him a new job somewhere.”

Who Will Get the Blame for the Government Shutdown? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS on Sunday at 3:40 PM ET on FNC

Who will get the blame for the Federal Government shutdown? Will one side of the political aisle suffer more – or will the entire Political Establishment pay a steep price for this? Could this crisis open the way for a Third Option in 2016? What will happen with the upcoming October 17th Debt Ceiling deadline? Is Boehner going to prevent a default – even if he undercuts his own GOP Conference?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS
– Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday afternoon – at a new time - 3:35 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning,  no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at a new time - 3:35 PM ET beginning this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Then on Monday morning at 10:30 AM ET, you can see another, full 30-minute live version of POLITICAL INSIDERS
by going to - with an inside look at politics and the week ahead.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at

Listen to POW/MIA Radio on Sunday

Our scheduled guests on POW/MIA Radio for Sunday, October 6, 2013 are:

2:00pm Mtn – News and Views:  An hour of the latest POW/MIA and veterans issues.

3:00pm Mtn – Mr. Robert W. Pelton:  Mr. Pelton is an accomplished author for over 40 years, having written over 150 books and feature articles on a variety of subjects.  A researcher and lecturer, he travels extensively and has appeared on TV and Radio shows around the country.  His deeply researched book, Unwanted Dead or Alive: The Betrayal of American POWs Following WWII, Korea and Vietnam, is the expose of the treasonous abandonment of our missing Americans from recent wars.  He details how the government treated our military as expendable as part of our foreign policy.  Mr. Pelton is a member of the Sons of the Revolution and Sons of the American Revolution and his heritage goes back beyond our war for independence.  His new book is a 17 volume series, entitled  None Dare Call It Treason.  Please visit his web site, for more information about Mr. Pelton and his books.

4:00pm Mtn:  Mr. John LeBoutillier:  We will be discussing the effects of the government shutdown, upcoming Debt Ceiling negotiations and the mess in DC today.  John is a former congressman from New York, long time POW/MIA advocate, author and  has written columns for NewsMax.  Mr. LeBoutillier is also a nationally recognized political commentator,  a prolific writer who has contributed to many major newspapers and magazines and a frequent commentator, host, and guest of several media programs.  He can be seen on Fox News on Sunday and Monday when he moderates Political Insiders with guests Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell.  Visit  for more information on his Fox News broadcasts.  For more information on John’s articles published in NewsMax, please visit .  You can also follow john at Boots Blasts at

An American In the Basement: The Betrayal of Captain Scott Speicher and the Cover-Up of His Death by Ms. Amy Waters Yarsinske is available at  as well as major booksellers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  This not just the story of the abandonment of Captain Speicher but an indictment of our government’s cover-up of the entire POW/MIA issue.  Please visit Amy’s web site at  for additional information.

American Trophies: How US POWs Were Surrendered to North Korea, China and Russia by Washington's "Cynical Attitude" has been released on July 27, 2013 as an E-book.  It can be ordered on for Kindle users.  If you don’t have a Kindle, you may access a FREE app to download only Amazon purchased books.  Please go to your browser and type in “Kindle download” app.  The price of this Kindle e-book is $7.99.  This book is now also available in paperback for $17.99.  Please visit  for more information.

The Keeping The Promise Alive DVD was also released on July 27, 2013.  This is the story of USAF Pilot Captain Harry Moore, shot down over North Korea on June 1, 1951.  His status went from Missing-in Action, to Killed-in-Action back to Missing-in-Action.  In August 2002, his wife Lois, received notice that Harry may have survived his shoot down and taken to Russia.  There is an order page on the web site .  The price of the documentary is $15.00.

Bill Bell has graciously offered to donate half the profits from the sale of his book,  Leave No Man Behind, to POW/MIA Radio or the National Alliance of Families.  You can purchase a copy of his book for $20.00 and Bill will arrange for a donation to be sent to either of the aforementioned groups. Please contact Bill at and tell him you heard it on POW/MIA Radio.

Abandoned Allies is a video documentary about the Montagnards who served as American allies during the Vietnam War. It explores the history of these tribal people, how they supported the U.S. Special Forces during the war, and what has happened since then.  Now, more than 40 years after the war ended, both American and Montagnard soldiers open up about what took place and how it will affect future generations.  For more information, please visit .  This is a powerful video featuring Mike Benge, Roger Donlon. Hip Ksor, John Plaster and many others.  You can order a copy of this video for $23.00 by writing Mr. Surry P. Roberts, 120 Woodburn Rd., Raleigh, NC 27605, .  A portion of the price will be donated to POW/MIA Radio. Please mention this when you order.  Thank you.

Thanks to our sponsors for this sponsorship period:

The National Alliance of Families
Mr. Earl Wood – In honor of four missing Milwaukee area Soldiers and Marines
Mr. Surry P. Roberts and the producers of Abandoned Allies
Anonymous – In honor of SSGT John C. Keiper, USMC, lost in South Vietnam, November 15, 1966

Listen to POW/MIA Radio every Sunday, worldwide, on The American Freedom Network, .  We also broadcast locally from KHNC-AM, 1360khz, Johnstown, Colorado.  If you are unable to receive the show on the network's website as listed in your favorites, please delete that bookmark and re-enter the URL in your browser address line.  Please note our call-in number, 1-877-254-7524.


If and when the government is shut down on Oct. 1, who will get the lion's share of the political blame? Will anyone come out better than they went in? Will this shutdown bleed into the October 17th Debt Ceiling deadline? Will the economy begin to suffer soon? Who will blink first? Is President Obama too eager for deals with Iran and Syria? Are he and Secretary of Sate John Kerry caving in just to have a deal they can proclaim as a "breakthrough"?

All of this was addressed on this week's two versions of POLITICAL INSIDERS:


Part 1

Part 2
Monday on the Dotcom: