Will 2016 Be An Even Wilder Year Than 2015 Was? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

As 2015 comes to a close, will 2016 be an even wilder political year? What is the state of the Republican and Democratic races with five weeks to go before Iowa? Can Trump be stopped? Will Cruz’s methodical approach pay off with the nomination? Can Bernie Sanders upset Hillary in either Iowa or New Hampshire – or both?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS – Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening – at 7:30 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning, no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 7:30 PM ET this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders


On this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier examined the Trump campaign; the GOP race; possible running mates, a race against Hillary and the overall 2016 prospects.

Here is our show:

Political Insiders Part 1: Trump seen as 'serious candidate'
Link: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4670557319001/

Political Insiders Part 2

Political Insiders Part 3

Political Insiders Part 4: Dems hold third primary debate
Link: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4670588707001/

Headline: Political Insiders Part 5: Final thoughts
Link: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4670622500001/

Is Speaker Ryan A Clone of John Boehner? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

Is The Donald now the inevitable GOP presidential nominee? Can he be defeated by anyone anywhere? Which GOP presidential hopeful attack the new Federal spending bill – and the GOP leadership for agreeing to it? Is Speaker Ryan actually a clone of John Boehner? And why do the Democrats keep having their debates on Saturday nights?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS – Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening – at 7:30 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning, no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 7:30 PM ET this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com


On this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier discussed the state of the GOP race in Iowa; the possibility of a contested convention next July; President Obama's weak response to San Bernardino; and our thoughts on Tuesday's GOP primary.

Here is our show:

Political Insiders Part 1: The GOP and Iowa
Political Insiders Part 2: Contested GOP convention likely?
Political Insiders Part 3: Obama and ISIS
Political Insiders Part 4: Final thoughts

How Does Trump's Ban on Muslims Impact the 2016 Race?

How has Donald Trump’s proposed ban on all Muslims coming into the USA changed the 2016 race? Is this issue making Trump more or less likely to win the GOP nomination? Can he win in November 2016? Is there a revolt inside the Republican Party by the Establishment against the outsiders – Trump, Cruz and Carson? Is the GOP about to come apart at the seams?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS – Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening – at 7:30 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning, no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 7:30 PM ET this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com


On this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier analyzed the post-Sand Bernardino political effects; discussed President's Obama's address to the nation; and the role of the U.S. in the world.

Here is our show:

Political Insiders Part 1: Beyond San Bernardino

Political Insiders Part 2: Obama's Oval Office address

"An Act of Terror": How Does This Change American Politics? Watch POLITICAL INSIDERS

What does the San Bernardino “act of terror” portend for American politics – and American foreign policy? Why is President Obama so reluctant to condemn radical Islam? Will this attack impact the 2016 race for the White House? Is this why Donald Trump is doing even better than a week earlier? Why does the GOP Establishment want to stop Trump?

This – and much more – will be discussed by the POLITICAL INSIDERS – Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier – live - on Fox News Channel this Sunday evening – at 7:30 PM ET.

POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning, no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

So tune into the Fox News Channel at 7:30 PM ET this Sunday and watch POLITICAL INSIDERS.

Follow us on Twitter @FNInsiders

And you can read more political analysis at www.johnlebout.com


On this week's POLITICAL INSIDERS, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen and John LeBoutillier discussed the deteriorating world situation; the continued strong Trump lead in the GOP race; and the intriguing question: will the GOP Establishment allow Trump to win?

Here is our show:

Political Insiders Part 1: The danger we face

Political Insiders Part 2: The GOP field: Trump maintains

Political Insiders Part 3: Will GOP let Trump win?

Political Insiders Part 4: Will GOP let Trump win, continued